To the Hero's:

When words don't tell the whole story of
what soldiers are doing, and have done for
their country, I Wayne Smith knew that the
time had come to build a sculpture and
have a plaque on the side of it so all could
read it. This is my way of thanking you for
what you are doing, and for those whom have
given their lives for their country
Thanks from all

- Wayne Smith

The Hero:

Like the big guns of yester year that protected us
we have protectors today.
They are the hero's that have given their lives to
protect all of us. They are the soldiers, police, and
fire fighters that keep us safe, all day and night.
With all of you we know that we will be safe.
Thanks from all

- Wayne Smith
Thank you letter from HON. P. Mackay M.P.
Thank you letter from Harmony Heights Elementary.
Thank you letter from Economic and Rural Development and Tourism.

Thank you letter from Waterfront Development, Halifax, NS.
Visit to Harmony Heights Elementary, Truro, NS.
Wayne Smith and HON. P. Mackay M.P.